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WHIRLPOOL OWFC3C26X – Lave-vaisselle pose libre ...
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339 €

Liens de George Forbes
George Forbes
George Forbes
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
En savoir plus
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
There will be better things, better dreams and a better me
Lun 20 Jan - 11:00
George Forbes
“It's not worth it to build castles on the sand if they get destroyed by the waves of reality.”
Etat Civil
date de naissance : 23/05/1982 lieu de naissance : Eynhallow, Ecosse race : Ceasg orientation sexuelle : bisexuel statut civil : célibataire quartier habité : West métier : Gérant du Night Light


Infos et anecdotes
Liens recherchés
ClientsLe Night Light ayant principalement une clientèle d'habitués, il a largement eu le temps de se lier avec certains d'entre eux. Humains ou monstres, ça ne fait aucune différence pour lui et il s'avère être un chic type... du moment qu'on ne vient pas l'emmerder.
My favorite monstersIl s'est toujours senti plus proches des aquatiques et c'est leur compagnie qu'il cherche le plus souvent quand il est dans un milieu monstrueux. Sans aucune distinction d'age, de genre ou d'orientation, il aime traîner avec eux, discuter, partager sur leurs visions de leurs capacités et de leurs monstruosités, ou juste s'amuser et déconner.
Plans cul et coups d'un soirForcément avec ses besoins, il s'y est rapidement mis. Il les collectionne depuis ses 20 ans, dans plusieurs pays, hommes et femmes, sans qu'on puisse lui définir un type ou un style. Mais les choses sont claires quoi qu'il arrive: ça ne se terminera jamais en grande histoire d'amour et ça ne mènera à rien de durable non plus, il n'est là que pour prendre du bon temps.
George Forbes
George Forbes
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
En savoir plus
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
There will be better things, better dreams and a better me
Lun 20 Jan - 11:00

Virgile Prevost
Avocat, ex-amant, amour de sa vie qui l'a rejeté, c'est putain de compliqué... Il est passé par tous les stades avec lui, de la passion dévorante à la rage brûlante en n'oubliant rien entre. Il sait exactement comment Virgile est, comment il agit, le mal qu'il lui a fait et peut encore lui faire, et fait tout pour s'en protéger. Pendant cinq ans il s'en est tenu à une relation strictement professionnelle et sexuelle et a limité au maximum toute interaction en dehors de ça, sachant parfaitement qu'il avait toujours des sentiments pour Virgile et comment ça s'est passé la dernière fois qu'il lui a montré. Mais il a finalement décidé de ne plus lui mentir et de tout lui avouer au jour de l'an, y compris sa monstruosité. Mi-février, après un mois de silence, il  a finalement bloqué son numéro, fait tout pour l'éviter et essaie de l'oublier, encore.
RP en commun
Ciaran L. Meredith
Meilleur ami
Il n'a jamais vraiment compris pourquoi ou comment, mais l'amitié née sur le champ entre eux un jour de 2010 est l'une des choses qu'il chérit le plus. Malgré leurs caractères et idées souvent opposées, il sait qu'ils se retrouvent sur beaucoup d'autres sujets beaucoup plus importants, tout comme il sait qu'il peut être lui-même avec le selkie. Il est aussi le parrain de son fils, qui voue une adoration sans bornes à son dessinateur préféré.
RP en commun

Alistair Sutherland
Camarade ceasg
Il a été plutôt surpris de découvrir que ce client de Virgile était aussi un aquatique. Mieux, un ceasg. Un avec qui il a pu discuter de leurs spécificités, partager quelques baignades et évoquer certains sujets compliqués avec beaucoup d'autres. Mais Alistair et lui restent ce qu'ils sont et cette entente ne s'applique qu'à l'aspect monstrueux de leurs vies, le reste est bien trop différent pour qu'il puisse être plus qu'un camarade ceasg.
RP en commun
Niamh Meredith
Il ne sait pas grand chose de la jeune femme, mais son nom a suffit pour qu'il fasse d'elle l'une des choses les plus précieuses du refuge. Elle est la petite sœur de son meilleur ami et il fera donc tout ce qu'il peut pour la traiter au mieux, et le fait qu'elle soit adorable aide aussi beaucoup.
RP en commun

Lennox Dunbar
Cousin éloigné / Beau-frère (PV)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
Sorcha Dunbar
Soeur (Scénario)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun

Thomas Forbes
Fils (PNJ)
Depuis sa naissance, son fils est devenu le centre de son univers et il souffre grandement de leur séparation depuis six ans, mais il se débrouille pour le voir le plus souvent possible. Père et fils sont très proches et il n'y a rien que George ne ferait pour Thomas, y compris sacrifier tout le reste.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun


Tania Volksson
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun


Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
George Forbes
George Forbes
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
En savoir plus
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
There will be better things, better dreams and a better me
Lun 20 Jan - 11:01

Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun


Andreas Teuling
Flic chiant (PV)
Il ne sait pas pourquoi le flic a autant une dent contre lui, mais il s'assure que tout soit toujours en ordre pour l'une de ses éternelles visites surprise. Au début il a tenté d'user de son charme ceasg sur lui, mais ça n'a pas marché alors il se contente de subir chaque passage sans rien dire et surtout sans faire de vague.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun


Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
Prénom Nom
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus laoreet accumsan. Curabitur id dui elit. Phasellus efficitur vestibulum lorem vitae consectetur. Sed ut venenatis tortor. Etiam arcu tellus, hendrerit eu nisl vel, mattis condimentum nulla. Duis finibus felis lacus, vitae scelerisque leo gravida et. Pellentesque ac nibh mattis neque facilisis pretium et in magna. Nulla turpis metus, finibus id turpis a, tincidunt ornare ante. In non elit ut risus consectetur vehicula. Nunc sit amet rutrum tortor. Nulla sit amet nunc eu ligula lobortis mollis.
RP en commun
George Forbes
George Forbes
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
En savoir plus
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
There will be better things, better dreams and a better me
Lun 20 Jan - 11:01
George Forbes
George Forbes
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
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Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
Pseudo : InkFingers Âge : 35 ans
You're lonely in the depth
and some tear is flowing
and that's why the water
in the seas is salty.

And the shark, it has teardrops
And they run down its face,
but the shark is living in water -
so the teardrops one doesn't see.

Liens de George Forbes Tumblr_inline_pg8rgwMsKw1t8bm8b_250
Messages : 326
There will be better things, better dreams and a better me
Lun 20 Jan - 11:02
+4 et c'est tout bon, à vous les gens Liens de George Forbes 1059916177
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